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«Temporal Coding and Time's Arrow» par Jonathan Simon

Jonathan Simon (NYU)

Une conférence est organisée dans le cadre du concours pour un poste de professeur en philosophie analytique.


Résumé :

«The neural code of experience constitutively depends on time's arrow. But leading accounts of time's arrow entail that to depend on it is to depend on the low entropy state ot the early universe. This means that if experience is constituted by its neural code, experience constitutively depends on the low entropy state of the early universe. This makes for a puzzle : we must either deny the leading accounts of time's arrow, deny that experience is constituted (even in part) by its neural code, or accept that experience is so radicaly extrinsic to the experiencer that it constitutively involves conditions near the big bang.»

Location: Université de Montréal - Salle 422, pav. 2910 Édouard-Montpetit