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/ Department of Philosophy

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Supporting the Department

Supporting the Department of Philosophy means supporting higher education and training for the next generation of philosophers. It also means supporting cutting-edge research in what are internationally considered priority fields.

You can contribute by directing your donation to the Department of Philosophy Alma Mater Fund.

Alma Mater Fund

A donation to the Alma Mater Fund will help us:

  • Fund scholarships for students with outstanding academic records.
  • Organize activities such as conferences and symposia.

There are various options available to you.

Join these donors who have chosen to help build tomorrow.

Thank you for your generosity.

Canada: Charitable organization registration number: 10816 0995 RR0001
United States: IRS 501(C)(03) charitable organization registration number: 23-7172320

For any questions about donations

To contact the Development team, please send an email to the following address: or call 514 343-6812. You will be directed to the best person to answer your question.