Experts in: Critical edition and translation of medieval Latin texts
Auxiliaire de recherche (étudiant), Doctorant
PICHÉ, David
Professeur titulaire
- History of medieval philosophy
- Philosophy of religion
- Theory of knowledge
- Epistemology
- Ontology and metaphysics
- Critical edition and translation of medieval Latin texts
- Philosophical heresies and intellectual dissidences
- Middle Ages
My current research deals mainly with the nature, scope and modalities of intellectual cognition, as the question was posed historically in medieval university debates (13th and 14th centuries). I am also interested in problems of ontology and metaphysics, especially in the topic of universals, as well as epistemological issues involved in the question of the relationship between the philosophical and religious discourses. My publications almost always comprise three dimensions: the critical edition of Latin texts from the High and Late Middle Ages, the translation of these documents into French, and their interpretation and analysis from the viewpoint of a critical history of medieval thought.