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/ Département de philosophie

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Experts in: Chinese esthetics


Professeure titulaire

The imagery underlying the Chinese language and thought guide my research. In particular I analyze the relationship between linguistic images (metaphors, allegories) and visual images, between imagination and conceptualization in the Classics, from traditions as varied as Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Mohism.

In methodological terms, I focus on philological studies (analysis and translation of texts or relevant excerpts), and conduct specific inquiries in the field (in China, with the University of Beijing), and collaborate directly with painters and calligraphers in conveying Chinese thought in pictorial form.

I mounted an exhibition of original scrolls in Beijing (summer 2013: landscape paintings, lithography, calligraphy, etc.), which was hosted in a new form at the Université de Montréal, in the Carrefour des arts et des sciences, (Winter-Spring 2014): La Chine des Sages en images.

My travels to the key sites of Chinese civilization (historic sites, workshops, ruins, work sites, documentary centres, etc.) allow me to monitor and sometimes actively contribute, as a sinologist, to the systematic process of recovering a cultural heritage stretching back for millennia. This humanitarian motivation fosters my intellectual interests.


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