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/ Département de philosophie

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Experts in: Moral philosophy

Cuisinier, Emmanuel



My current research is on the moral dimension of the concepts of spontaneity and pre-personal perception in Merleau-Ponty's work, which also includes the concept of pre-judication in Husserl. Overall my work is centered around the description of extreme moral phenomenon such as spontaneous heroism and their significance to human existence.


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Farhat, Saja


Auxiliaire d'enseignement (étudiant/e), Doctorante

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Gautrin, Patricia

GAUTRIN, Patricia

Doctorante, Auxiliaire de recherche (étudiante), Chargée de cours

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Nadeau, Christian

NADEAU, Christian

Professeur titulaire

My research is divided into 2 main categories: contemporary political philosophy and the history of political ideas from the Renaissance to the 19th century. These 2 categories also reflect the content of my courses and seminars.

In contemporary political philosophy, my work deals with questions of post-war transitional justice (rebuilding institutions, penal justice, truth and reconciliation commissions, collective memory, etc.), where my main theoretical interests are the issues of collective responsibility and democratic deliberation. Generally speaking, my research - both on social justice and democracy issues and on immigration - is in line with work on neo-republicanism. In moral philosophy, I take a consequentialist approach.

My publications on the history of ideas deal with relations between political freedom and authority, from the 15th to the 19th centuries, more specifically on the republican tradition since the Renaissance. In that connection, I have focused particularly on the work of Machiavelli, Jean Bodin, Hobbes and Rousseau.


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Piché, Claude

PICHÉ, Claude

Professeur honoraire

My research mainly concerns the work of Kant, approached from a historical perspective. I am interested in both his theoretical philosophy (intuitive character of space, principle of causality, status of the thing in itself, theory of philosophical discourse) and his practical philosophy in the larger sense (moral experience, radical evil, international law). I am also looking at the contemporary reception of Kant’s thought (F. H. Jacobi and K. L. Reinhold) and the critical use of his views in German idealism, in particular by J. G. Fichte. The extensions of the Kantian approach in terms of historical epistemology are also one of my interests (H. Rickert and G. Simmel).


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