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Experts in: Phenomenology

Bergo, Bettina

BERGO, Bettina

Professeure titulaire

My research interests concern the connections between Husserlian phenomenology, psychoanalysis (Freudian and some contemporary), and continental thought on sensibility. The thematization of sensibility and alterity, as found in Levinas and Merleau-Ponty, in the formation of "I" and in some of sociality (notably that of Husserl on intersubjectivity) is the subject of current research.

I am also interested in Nietzsche's philosophy of forces in bodies, and his attempt to rethink European values. Finally, I am also interested in the distinctions between 19th-century rational psychology in German speaking cultures (Herbart, Brentano) and Revolutionary psychiatry in France (Pinel, Esquirol, and later, Charcot, among others).


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Cuisinier, Emmanuel



My current research is on the moral dimension of the concepts of spontaneity and pre-personal perception in Merleau-Ponty's work, which also includes the concept of pre-judication in Husserl. Overall my work is centered around the description of extreme moral phenomenon such as spontaneous heroism and their significance to human existence.


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Doyon, Maxime

DOYON, Maxime

Professeur agrégé

My research interests lie at the junction of phenomenology and the philosophy of mind. I am particularly interested in the philosophy of perception, the theories of consciousness and of the self, and the many attempts to renew transcendentalism in post-Kantian philosophy.

My current research has to do with the issue of normativity in perception. I am trying to define the nature of perceptual norms by analyzing their epistemological functions, their abilities to guide action, and the role of the body and of the other in our awareness of these norms.


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Gautrin, Patricia

GAUTRIN, Patricia

Doctorante, Auxiliaire de recherche (étudiante), Chargée de cours

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Macdonald, Iain


Professeur titulaire

My research interests lie mainly in the historical tension between critical theory (mainly Adorno) and phenomenology (mainly Heidegger and Husserl), and in the historical roots of this tension. More specifically, I am interested in the role played by the concept of possibility in these 2 great traditions of European philosophy. This issue is at the heart of my research in different areas: the dialectic heritage (temporality and Hegel), practical philosophy (Marx and the possibility of emancipation, Hegel and the concept of education, Adorno and the possibility of autonomy), aesthetics (works of art as expressions of human or social potentials) and metaphysics (the concept of horizon for Husserl, modality and the priority of actuality in the history of philosophy).

Winner of the Université de Montréal university-wide Teaching Prize, 2014

Winner of the Faculty of Arts and Science Teaching Prize, Université de Montréal, 2013.


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Piché, Claude

PICHÉ, Claude

Professeur honoraire

My research mainly concerns the work of Kant, approached from a historical perspective. I am interested in both his theoretical philosophy (intuitive character of space, principle of causality, status of the thing in itself, theory of philosophical discourse) and his practical philosophy in the larger sense (moral experience, radical evil, international law). I am also looking at the contemporary reception of Kant’s thought (F. H. Jacobi and K. L. Reinhold) and the critical use of his views in German idealism, in particular by J. G. Fichte. The extensions of the Kantian approach in terms of historical epistemology are also one of my interests (H. Rickert and G. Simmel).


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