Experts in: Philosophy of perception
My current research is on the moral dimension of the concepts of spontaneity and pre-personal perception in Merleau-Ponty's work, which also includes the concept of pre-judication in Husserl. Overall my work is centered around the description of extreme moral phenomenon such as spontaneous heroism and their significance to human existence.
DOYON, Maxime
Professeur agrégé
My research interests lie at the junction of phenomenology and the philosophy of mind. I am particularly interested in the philosophy of perception, the theories of consciousness and of the self, and the many attempts to renew transcendentalism in post-Kantian philosophy.
My current research has to do with the issue of normativity in perception. I am trying to define the nature of perceptual norms by analyzing their epistemological functions, their abilities to guide action, and the role of the body and of the other in our awareness of these norms.
DUMAS-DUBREUIL, Pascal-Olivier